Book Baby Trey

Monday, December 5, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Trey's Walking!!!
We got the biggest Thanksgiving suprise!!!! When we first arrived, I mean we were just getting through the door and I put him down and he took about 5 good solid steps. Everyone screamed, which is probably the reason why he fell. LOL. He'd been taken small steps (maybe like 2 or 3) for over a month now. I have to be honest, I was wondering if he was ever going to walk. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. He'd been moving so fast in the beginning, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, getting teeth and then all of a sudden it seemed like we were at a stand still.
The walker he got from his grandparents for his birthday really helped and was the push he needed to start walking. He was so excited (stay tuned for our product review video on Trey's walker).
Now he's walking like a pro and getting into everything. I almost wish he was crawling again, but then I see him getting around so well like a big boy and I can't help but smile. He is progressing very well and learning new things everyday.
I love seeing the world through his eyes. I feel like I'm learning so many things over again.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Thomas & Friends Orajel Training Toothpaste- Trey's 1st Time brushing his teeth
Thomas & Friends Orajel Training Toothpaste-
Trey's 1st Time brushing his teeth
Trey's grandparents gifted us with his first tooth brush and tooth paste set. Before we tried it I held him as I brushed my teeth so that he could watch me use it. He's very inquisitive.
I never knew Orajel made a toothpaste. We already use their products for his teething. Right now Trey has a total of eight teeth (4 on top and 4 on the bottom). He's been getting them since month 3 so we've been dealing with the whole teeth and teething issue for awhile now.
When he first started getting teeth we asked his doctor about brushing and he suggested that we just use a cloth and warm water because he was only breast feeding at the time. That made a lot of sense.
Now, he's one and eating table foods but he still breastfeeds. We didn't experience any resistance with him when we introduced the tooth brush. I think because he watches us brush and we try to make it fun and exciting so he was excited to have his turn as well.
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Trey's 1st two teeth |
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Trey's First Valentine's Day!!!
Our puddin pop is growing and growing everyday. He's also getting soooo big. I feel so blessed every time I get to hold him and look into his eyes. He has come into our lives and changed it for the better. And for this we are so grateful.
Having him made this Valentine's Day very special. Valentine's Day is a day we tell and show the one's we love how much we care. It snuck up on me so quick I didn't prepare any plans and that's okay. I realized that our lives are filled with so much love that we didn't need to plan a day to tell one another. We say it, express it and see it everyday.
Monday, January 25, 2016
We're 3 Months and Rolling Over!!!!
Where has the time gone. I cannot believe that my little puddin-pop is already 3 months. It really snuck up on me. It seems like only yesterday I was in the final stages of pregnancy begging for it all to end and now not only is my baby here but he's growing up so fast.
When we're out everyone talks about how alert he is. He's been holding his head up for awhile now. These days he doesn't even really lay it down on my shoulder if I'm up and moving around unless he's sleep. He wants to see everything that's going on in the world around him. When I'm engrossed in a conversation he wants to see who I'm talking to and he'll even try and join the conversation with his cooing and a deep-throat-ed yell.
In these pictures above I was able to capture one of his more talkative moments which are happening more and more. We were at a Dunkin Donuts and he had to attention of almost every patron within ear shot. They all laughed or smiled and played with him and commented on how attentive he was. When I told them how old he was I got the usual reaction which was disbelief and shock.
I've gotten this reaction so much that I actually researched the behaviors of 3 month old babies. I wanted to see if he was moving a little too fast because you know what they say about fast-moving babies. According to WebMD he seems to be right on schedule.
Baby Trey is holding his head up with little head bobbing, he doesn't get as startled when he hears a loud noise. When laying on his stomach he can hold his head up and turn to look in different directions. He did his first roll-over when he first turned 2 months-old but I don't think he tried to it just happened. Now it's a little bit more controlled. He does it so fast and so often now we don't get as excited anymore. We are more careful about where we lay him down now, knowing he can roll-over.
He's also reaching for things, pulling hair and earrings. I remember sitting up with him one night and watching him learning how to open and close his hands. He was reaching out and bringing his hand close to him and realizing that he could do this. It was an amazing moment. I almost forgot that it was around 4 am.
My one concern is his sleep habits but after reading that article I realize that I may be to blame. According to Web-Md at night after you put your baby to sleep if you hear him/her cry you shouldn't immediately go get them. Well, I do. The article states that sometimes they usually go right back to sleep. It also states that if you do have to get them you should keep the lights off and stick to strictly feeding and changing so that they understand night time is for sleeping.
Honestly. I think that I'm so tired at night that when I first hear him make a noise at night it sorta scares me so I jump right up and get him. But from now on I will definitely give that a try because I really want him to stay asleep at night for more than 4 hours.
The article also mentions that I should be noticing a schedule, but honestly I'm still noticing a lot of random sleep times during the day and at night. I feel so sleep deprived that I don't even care I am just grateful when he falls asleep!
I am looking forward to the times that will come when I can get a full night of sleep and when my day isn't fully consumed with baby talk, diapers and breast-feeding, but these moments are so fleeting and I know this so therefore I will do my best to enjoy every sleepless night and fussy morning because once there gone...there gone.
For more information...on 3 month old baby development.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Baby Einstein Caterpillar's Day At The Park Review
This video is a review of Trey's new bouncer. We got it for our baby shower. We actually got two. The first one was a Fisher Price product. I used that one first because after examining them both the Fisher Price bouncer looked smaller.
Now that Trey is 2 months and getting bigger I decided it was time to bring it out and put it together. Assembly was very easy. I actually handed the box and directions to my 13 year old son and 12 year old niece and they put it together in less than 30 minutes.
This video shows Trey's first time in the bouncer. After recording he sat in it for about 30 minutes longer (typical infant timing) before wanting to get out. I played around with a few of the features while filming. He's too young for the toys at this time but I think he will like the pull down toys. He already has a very powerful grip. Pulling the toys down causes the rim to spin with toys inside and a loud noise that will keep his attention.
I love that the bouncer plays classical music such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Vivaldi. Trey loves music and hopefully it will soothe him in the future when he's teething. The bouncer has a stronger vibrator than the Fisher Price. It's a little louder but not loud enough to be a nuisance. Trey doesn't care for the vibrator. The bouncer is easy to rock which is something he really enjoys. One other feature I really like is that the bar that goes across the chair pulls up when I need to remove him or put him in it.
Huggies vs. Luvs
Huggies vs. Luvs
I've been meaning to do this video and this blog every since we switched from Huggies diapers to Luvs and talk about why we switched. I really feel that whenever someone mentions diapers or pampers you usually think of Huggies, but that doesn't make them a great diaper that makes them very successful with their advertisement.
Before I had my son Trey, I of course had a baby shower. We were blessed with a lot of cool gifts and beautiful clothes, and most importantly diapers. We received 3 packs of newborn diapers and two big boxes of size 1 diapers and yes you guessed it they were all Huggies.
At different times we would notice that while Trey was wearing the Huggies he would have leaks on the side of his onesies. We were like, "how does this keep happening?" No matter how often we changed him there would still be leaks. I felt like we also went through the diapers faster than we should have.
Of course we were very grateful because diapers these days are very expensive. We used up all of the diapers we received from the baby shower but had a conversation about changing brands. I mentioned the issues I was having with my best friend and she suggested I try Luvs. She said that she had always used them and they were great for her. I trust her judgement so I bought a pack and fell in love. We are officially Luvs users now.
The first thing I noticed about the Luvs diapers was the smell. I love their fresh scent. Whenever I'm putting Trey on a fresh diaper I often put the diaper to my face and smell it. I love it! I also love the way the diaper fits on him. It's snug but not too tight in the important places. Another thing I love is the flaps on the side of the diaper. First of all they're a different color so they're very noticeable and easy to pull out. The part of the diaper that it is connected to is color coded so it's also easy to see where its to be placed.
If I hear of a better diaper that's cheaper I may give it a try but until then I will stick to Luvs for my baby Trey.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Trey's First Shots (2 months)
He was all smiles while the cute doctor was in the room, but when she left he got a little cranky. His father is a first time dad so I was really worried about how he would handle watching someone inflict pain on his son. It's hard seeing that even if you know that pain is for the best.
For me it was what we expected. He cried. It was sad. I stayed in the room after to breast feed until he was asleep and content. Before we left his father got information about the immunizations he received. We discussed rather or not we wanted him to have any at all because this is very controversial. In the end we decided it was best to give him the immunizations.
When he did finally wake up he was feverish and cranky. Later that day we gave him some infant pain reliever as directed by the doctor. I only had to give it to him twice before he was back to his smiling and wonderful self.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Conversations With Trey
We are so excited that our two-month old Trey is in the cutest phase--he's cooing. Every since he was born we've been talking, smiling, laughing with him with no response. It is so wonderful to smile at him and to see him smile back. And to also see him laughing and talking in response to our talking to him is a wonderful feeling.
We want to enjoy every moment of this and we are living in expectation of his first words. I'm hoping for "Mommy" (of course) and Daddy's hoping for a Da-Da. We will definitely keep you posted.
You can always keep up with Trey's development here at or on YouTube @ bookbabytrey.
If you would like to book baby trey for pictures or commercials you can reach us at or 904-554-6488.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Welcoming Baby-Trey
This is the story of how Trey got here. We love him so much. Going through the months of pregnancy we both tried to enjoy every moment of it but there were some challenges. From morning sickness to doctor appointments to swollen ankles and food cravings, I must say that I wouldn't change one moment except this: I wish I would have enjoyed it a little bit more. I hope you enjoy this short collage as we welcome Baby Trey!
Home Moments- Singing with my daddy
I just had to post this video. I was trying to record a few of my songs without the audience knowing he was in the room. He loves music. It really soothes him. We made it through 12 songs in one take without one peep. Check it out! Hope you enjoy. For more information go to:
Friday, January 1, 2016
Our First Video & First Post
Introducing Baby Trey!!! We are using this page to post our most adorable moments with Trey. We welcome friends and families to come here to witness his growing progress. We love you all. Stay tuned for so much more.
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