Book Baby Trey

Book Baby Trey

Friday, December 22, 2017

Learning with Ronnie- Number Flashcards 1-12

This video features Ronnie learning his numbers 1-12.  At the time Ronnie was still 1-years-old.  We have been working on numbers before he could even speak.  We used different opportunities to count with him--such as when we are changing his pamper or when their are objects present to count.  He started repeating them to us at first.

We also started watching various YouTube videos that involved counting for babies and toddlers.  Our favorites are by Baby Beavers.  We like those videos because they offer different songs with counting that have catchy tunes and are visually stimulating.

The combination of us counting, the videos and flash cards brought everything together for Ronnie and now he recognizes the number and has a little understanding of counting objects and the words that match.

Currently, Ronnie is up to 25 by himself but we try to go to 50.  We're very proud of him!


  1. Great job Mom. I just purchased my great-niece cards with words. She is one year old. Her mother loved the cards. I'm excited to see how she uses them and grows.

    1. Thank you. I practiced with him a few times a week with flashcards for as long as he was interested. It doesn't take long for them to soak it up because their brains are like sponges! Thank you for sharing!
